The Directorate performs its functions and activities in accordance with provisions of Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961 and Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of April 24, 1963.
At the moment 74 facilities are under protection of the Directorate, including:
35 embassies
13 consulates
1 office of an international organization
6 residencies of Heads of Missions
19 state facilities of special importance
- To protect buildings, constructions, installations and premises of diplomatic missions, consular posts and residencies of Heads of foreign missions (hereinafter – facilities) against any invasion and damage, to prevent entering of persons with terroristic, provocative and any other unfriendly intentions, to take proper measures to prevent any attack on the person, freedom or dignity of diplomatic and consular agents.
- To maintain public order in cooperation with units of the Department for Safety and Security and regional internal affairs offices of the Republic of Belarus in the territory adjacent to the facilities, detect and apprehend persons that intend to cause any damage
- To take immediate action in cooperation with regional internal affairs offices of the Republic of Belarus, agencies and units for emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus, the State Security Committee of the Republic of Belarus in order to ensure security of facilities and personnel in case of mass disturbances, threat of seizure, natural disasters, fire and other emergency situations.
- To sum up and promote national and foreign experience of security activities, use of security means and systems, to cooperate with relevant institutions of other countries in accordance with applicable procedure.
- Ensuring security of facilities by means of police units, maintaining public order in the adjacent territories, preventing and solving crimes in the area of its posts and patrolling course.
- Participation in development of laws and regulations on security of facilities together with relevant services of MIA, MFA, the Department for Safety and Security and republican bodies of state administration.
- Maintaining readiness to protect facilities, rehearsing joint actions together with internal affairs services to ensure security, conducting operational and tactical training exercises.
- Contract-based rendering of the following types of services:
providing security of facilities, which aren’t included in the list of facilities that are subject to obligatory protection by units of the Department for Safety and Security in accordance with the law of the Republic of Belarus;
individual security service;
maintaining public order during events organized by diplomatic missions or consular posts of foreign countries.
- Arranging meetings, seminars, conferences and training sessions on topical issues regarding security of diplomatic missions and consular posts of foreign countries.
- Interaction with the mass media.